Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21st, 2011

South opened on sat and it sounded like the july 4th!

Lots of shooting.

Did not hear of any big buck taken but lots of deer have been taken.
The rut is on heavy, if you do your work on the fake scraps and use the lures that are out there you can get that deer. Just it take time. You cant shoot one from the couch.. LOL.. but that my motto.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 1st, 2010


If you can weather the weather, you can  do pretty good if you can get out there.
Walleye do very good right now, pike not to bad and trout ok.
They had one of the best years ever for walleye fishing this yr. everyone was braggin about how good it was.


So far so good the rut is just starting.
People are getting some and see a lot.
Leaves are still on the trees it make it hard to see a long ways.